Saturday, September 3, 2016

Denali Natural History Tour review

We took the Denali Natural History tour from the Denali Princess Wilderness Lodge, we saw a variety of things, such as a ranger cabin, a variety of plants, moose, snowshoe hare, caribou ( way off in the distance).  A number of people took a longer trip and saw many more animals than we did. I was trying to fit in so many more activities, that I took the shorter trip, the one that came free with my package. If you aren't running from event to event, I would recommend trying to see the other tour that was longer and went further into the park. Actually, I would have liked a few days to just experience the park. I never even got to the park museum. Everybody told me before I went, that a day or two in Denali was almost too much time: They were soooo wrong!

My best Moose picture!  I took a lot. This cow had a calf behind her in the woods, but I never got a good shot of the calf

 the caribo were pretty far away and it was drizzling, but I saw a few. I have a 40x lens but this is as good as I could get in order to get multiple caribou in one shot.
A single, but to enlarge it this much it's really grainy.

 A snowshoe hare blends in with it's surroundings for summer. By winter, the hair of the hare will be white.

A family of Ptarmigan, the state bird of Alaska

belladonna, a sedative also known as deadly nigh shade, for obvious reasons.

Fireweed. This plant is the first to grow in the area after a fire, hence its name. It also is said to be able to predict the first snow by the number of flowers left at the top. Each layer of flower represents how many more weeks before the snow flies. Also a great source of vitamin C.

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