Monday, March 21, 2016

Science in Fiction Class Policy addition to cover content

In the Science in Fiction course, the books sometimes have violence or adult content. Even though the students often hear or see worse things on tv and in the movies, some students or parents may find the materials inappropriate so there are alternative allowances built into the class. In addition to the blurb below that I include in my policy form that is sent home for parents to sign, I actually call all the parents the first week of class to be sure they know the content of the books and that they or their student can opt out of any book they don't feel comfortable with.  It doesn't mean it's any easier, the student must read another book and do a report on it in addition to being responsible for the science material I present based on the class book.

"Science in Fiction is designed as an upper level course that utilizes popular fiction books and video to teach scientific concepts. Concepts covered in the class include forensics, anthropology, medical terminology and disease process, anatomy, bioterrorism, time space continuum, global warming, volcanic activity, and space.  The materials used may include graphic material.  If a student finds they are unable to tolerate the material chosen for class, they will be allowed to use another book of their choice in the same topic and will be expected to write a report on that book. There is a rubric available for the report required in that case. The student will still be responsible for the scientific material and vocabulary presented in class. "

The general requirements for the alternate choice are below, but you may want to create the rubric to your priority requirements. This is the paragraph I use to introduce the assignment.

Science in Fiction Book Project requirements and Rubric

You must choose a book based on a list of authors suggested that pertains to Forensic Science and read it for this project. If the book you initially choose is too graphic in nature, you may change books and will be given additional time to complete the reading. Some reading time will be given in class to help you complete the reading component. You will be responsible to find 3 scientific issues in the book and present one of them to the class. You will be expected to provide a summary of the book, including the scientific information. The summary should include an opinion section where you explain why your friends should or should not read this book. You will need to copy the pages that you found the scientific information on and attach it to your summary. You will explain whether the scientific information is correct or incorrect in your presentation.  You need to include supporting non-fiction documentation to prove your scientific information correct or incorrect.

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